Gas War by Ted Rall

Ghost Wars by Steve Coll

Plan of Attack by Bob Woodward

Big Lies by Joe Conason

Rogue Nation by Clyde Prestowitz

The Price of Loyalty by Ron Suskind

Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser

American Dynasty by Kevin Phillips

Red, White & Liberal by Alan Colmes

An End to Evil by David Frum and Richard Perle

The Great Unraveling by Paul Krugman

The Book on Bush by Eric Alterman & Mark Green

Against All Enemies by Richard A. Clarke

FearÍs Empire by Benjamin R. Barber

Dude, Where's My Country? by Michael Moore

The Two Americas by Stanley B. Greenberg

The Sorrows of Empire by Chalmers Johnson

Stand Up Fight Back by E. J. Dionne

The President of Good & Evil by Peter Singer

Lies, And the Lying Liars Who Tell Them by Al Franken

The Two Percent Solution by Matthew Miller

The Paradox of American Power by Joeseph S. Nye Jr.

Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace by Gore Vidal

The Best Democracy Money Can Buy by Greg Palast

Banana Republicans by Sheldon Rampton & John Stauber

Censored 2004 by Peter Phillips & Project Censored

Fraud by Paul Waldman

The Five Biggest Lies Bush Told About Iraq by Christopher & Robert Scheer and Lakshimi Chaudhry

What's the Matter with Kansas? How consevatives won the heart of America by Thomas Frank

