The Wall Street Nudes

Dayton Taylor Dayton Taylor

For a scene in Habit depicting the sprawling nighttime activity of the city that never sleeps, Fessenden restaged photographer Nelson Bakerman's Wall Street Nude Project.

Bakerman's nudes
The original photo that inspired the film shoot.

Nelson Bakerman is a fine-arts and commercial photographer working out of New York whose work is in the permanent collections of the International Center of Photography and the Brooklyn Museum in New York City; the NYNEX Corporation, the City of Paris Audio Visual Collection in France; and the private collections of Richard Avedon, Helmut Newton, Uwe Scheild and Rainer Wick.

In pursuit of the two dozen images that make up the Wall Street Nudes Project, photographer Nelson Bakerman and the models have travelled from New York, where the project began in 1984, to Chicago, Philadelphia and Washington D.C.

Says Bakerman: "The photographs have less to do with the nudes, all of whom are Rubenesque, than with the combination of the powerful image of these women juxtaposed with the massive temples of industry.

"The traditional poses and shape of the women positioned in front of the monuments built by white male America is meant to explore the line between what is acceptable Art and what could be termed obscenity."

Dayton Taylor

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